王贝依,博士毕业于中国科学院心理研究所。近期致力于以依恋安全为核心,通过事件相关电位(ERP),功能磁共振成像(fMRI)等主要技术,在神经和行为水平上探索依恋安全启动对个体情绪、认知及行为的积极影响。在此基础上主要探索依恋安全对风险行为的影响及探索开发风险行为干预方法。目前已在Psychophysiology、Journal of personality、International Journal of psychology、心理科学进展等国内外期刊发表论文共7篇。
1.Wang, Beiyi*., Gillath, Omri., Gu, Ruolei., Zhang, Jianxin., & Wu, Lili. (in press). Attachment Security Priming reduces Risk-taking and Emotional Responses to Loss. Psychophysiology
2.Wang, Beiyi*., Peng, Xinyuan., Jiang, Mengjie., Zhang, Jianxin., & Wu, Lili. (2023). Boosting attachment security promotes prosociality: The mediating effect of moral disengagement. International Journal of Psychology, 58: 614-630. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12940
3.Wang, Beiyi*., Peng, Xinyuan., Gao, Fei., Zhang, Kaihua., Zhang, Jianxin., & Wu, Lili. (2022). Attachment Security Priming Delayed Negative Information-Related Attentional Disengagement Among Anxiously Attached Individuals: Evidence from Behavioral and Functional MRI Experiments [Original Research]. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.913805
4.Xu,Yuepei#., Wang, Beiyi#., Xiao,Yi#., Jiang, Mengjie., Wu, Lili., Liang., Zhuyuan.,(under review). Precise identification of online gambler: A large-scale survey based on Alipay users. Computers in human behavior.
5.Peng, Xinyuan., Gillath, Omri., Jiang, Mengjie., Wang, Beiyi., Zhang, Jianxin., & Wu, Lili. (2023). Attachment style and attention bias to emotional information: The moderating effect of stress, stimulus characteristics, and attention stage. Journal of Personality, 00, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12891
6.Wu, Lili, Gu, Ruolei, Shi, Xiaoxuan., Wang, Beiyi, & Zhang, Jianxin. (2020). Boosting attachment security to cope with threats: Behavioral and ERPs findings. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 149, 8-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2020.01.003
7.Shi, Xiaoxuan., Wang, Beiyi., He, Tingting., Wu, Lili., & Zhang, Jianxin. (2020). Secure attachments predict prosocial behaviors: A moderated mediation study. Psych Journal, 9(5), 597-608. https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.348
8.吴丽丽, 石筱璇, 王贝依 & 张建新.(2017).品牌依恋:理论、测量及与相关变量的关系. 心理科学进展(08),1411-1422.