Majors & Courses Teacher Education 正文
Teacher Education
2021年11月15日 18:18  Click:[]

The Department of Teacher Education is affiliated to the School of Teacher Education under the Faculty of Education.

Its main responsibilities are as follows: to be responsible for the teaching of undergraduate teacher education courses for normal majors across the whole university; to coordinate with the university to complete the construction and teaching reform of teacher education curriculum system for undergraduates of normal majors; to organize compilation or selection and recommendation of teaching materials and excellent course resources for teacher education courses.

The Department has 14 teachers now, including 7 with senior titles and 5 with a doctor’s degree whose academic background involves pedagogy, psychology, management and other fields.

With reasonable structures of age, professional title and discipline, they provide a great support for the implementation of teacher education across the university.

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Telphone: Address: Yunnan Normal University, No. 768 juxian Street, Chenggong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province: